Create a Peer Evaluation with Categories
Updated: July 24, 2017
Peer evaluations with categories allows students to assess their teammates on a variety of areas.
Before you start
- Be sure you’re familiar with how Peer Evaluations work.
- This guide is specifically for evaluation with categories. If you want to balance points between team members on your peer evaluation read our guide here.
- If you need to leave at anytime, click on Exit Builder. Your data will be saved and you’ll be able to complete the evaluation when you’re ready.
Creating a peer evaluation
To create a peer evaluation, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the space you’d like to add a Peer Evaluation.
- Click New Exercise.
- Click on Select Exercise under Peer Evaluation
- Give your peer evaluation a name.
- Add an overview to give your students some direction. Students will read this before they go into their exercise.
- Click on Next Step.
Content step
The content step is where you focus on the questions and content of the peer evaluation.
- Choose Categories.
- Click Select Template.
- To edit the default scales, click Edit Question.
- You can change the label, scale range, and add endpoint labels.
- Click Update Question when you’re done editing.
- To add a new scale, click New Scale.
- Use the arrows to rearrage the scales.
- You’re given two default questions, click Edit Question if you’d like to edit.
- You can change the label and the feedback type.
- Click Update Question when you’re done editing.
- If you’ve made changes and would like save it as a template, Click on Yes, Make This A Template.
- Name your template and click Save Template.
Settings step
- Choose the date and time you’d like the peer evaluation to be available to your students
- Choose the date and time you’d like the peer evaluation to be close.
- Click on Next Step.
Confirmation step
- Review the details of each section. If you’d like to edit a particular section, click the Edit Button for the section you’d like to change.
- Click Finish Building to complete the process.
If you have any questions contact